Welcome to Eternal Light Chat Room

This chat community believes in God and the value of Christianity.
Those who enter this room will be in agreement of our policies and philosophy.
Operators of the room (those with an @ by their name)
are in charge of operations at all times.
Prophanity will not be tolorated,
those using prophanity will be kicked from the room immediatly.
Those users who continue to disrupt this chat room will be banned from use.

In the reading room: All Readers must be approved by Eternal Light Staff.
You must be 18+ yrs old to recieve a reading in any of the Eternal Light Chat Rooms.

Eternal Light administration assumes absolutely no responsibility
or liability for the results of any readings or advice
given to anyone by anyone in any chat room on
Eternal Light (irc.superchat.com) or Java chat site(www.eternallight.0me.com).
All readings and/or advice asked for or given
are taken at the sole risk of the person being read.
We offer no guarentees of accuracy for any advice or readings given.
By accepting advice or readings from anyone in this chat room site/server
you are agreeing to the above contract.
For mirc users:
Server: irc.superchat.org
Port: 6667
Channel: #eternallight
Enjoy our juke box with special thanks to Lefteris Haritou
for creating the script for this wonderful Juke Box!

By placing your cursor on each botton
it will explain what that button does.
Play around with it, there are 30 songs for you to enjoy.

Please enter a nickname to use,
then use the pull-down menu
to select a channel to join.
Click Go to enter the chat room.


If you'd like to add chat to your homepage, free of charge, click here.

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